Adopt a “Transformational Mindset”
You already have all the power and wisdom internally you need to experience the lightness, freedom and pure joy of being alive! This may be hard to believe if you’re suffering in the darkness of fear, emotional pain, depression, or anger. But, take heart. There is hope for moving out of this dark place, even if it has been longstanding or you feel really stuck on a particular issue.
At this point all you need to do is commit to seeing the challenges you face as necessary elements in your heroic story. Once you make this commitment, you have begun to adopt a "transformational mindset." With this new mindset, you redefine challenges as necessary lessons to be mastered in your heroic quest to align your thoughts, behaviors and actions to the very core of who you are. From this perspective your challenges do not define you, but can help shape who you are capable of becoming!
It is this “transformational mindset” that activates your heroism within and propels your life forward. In the beginning, though, it may not be easy. The good news is that you don’t have to take the first steps alone. There are others who have gone before to help you master your challenges. Another piece of good news is that with dedication and practice you will begin to trust your own internal guidance system to take you the rest of the way on your unfolding heroic journey.
What is Transformation and Why Is It So Powerful?
Transformation in this context is a "metamorphosis" that evolves an aspect of our thoughts, behavior or actions that has been out of alignment between our inner and outer worlds. Once we are in alignment, the metamorphosis that we have undergone powers our movement through the stages of our heroic journey. We have more courage to remove the obstacles that keep us from accessing and acting with clarity and compassion from the truth of who we are, no matter what situation or person we encounter. In essence, having a “transformational mindset” doesn’t change us. It is instead an uncovering process that gives us access to our Core Being, the authentic, powerful, peaceful and most cherished part of us that lies at the center of who we are.
Transform Your Mindset Phase by Phase
There are three phases, represented by the seven circuit labyrinth, that power this internal metamorphosis. When used together, they reweave our thoughts, behaviors and actions into a new more evolved heroic alignment and cohesive sense of Self.
Phase 1 - Wind Inward
Shed Your Misperceptions
Helps you clear obstacles, so you can connect with your Core
Phase 2 - Arrive at Center
Own Your Inner Wisdom
Is your “wake up call” to develop a new mindsetPhase 3 - Wind Outward
Reinvent Yourself from Inside Out
Helps you better align your outer reality with your Inner Wisdom
The seven circuit labyrinth is an archetypal symbol found throughout the world. It provides the human psyche with a basic blueprint to follow to transform our mindset, so we can successfully complete our heroic journey.
The three phases of transformation inform one another in a continuous learning loop. Each new insight gained, inner truth acknowledged and painful experience cleared, realigns us with the Center of ourselves. It is this alignment that propels us to the next stage of our heroic journey. Actively using the power of transformation within a heroic context brings our evolutionary urge into practical reality, one experience at a time.
Want to Learn More about how to apply Transformation in your life?
Take the FREE eCourse, Ignite Your Power to Transform on our educational affiliate website.
Personalized Mentoring
While you have a unique heroic path to follow in life, you don’t have to face your personal challenges alone. We are here to help you master those challenges through Life Guidance Mentoring and Leadership Development Mentoring.
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